Friday, September 11, 2015

Pillars Of Creation: The Magical Universe That Gave Us This Miracle of LIfe…By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.






Star Birthing Nebula.




Eagle Nebula..Pillars Of Creation.






Recycled Back In To The Infinite Cosmos:


Some Final Day I Will Fly Away In To Interstellar Oblivion To Be Recycled Back In To The Infinite Cosmos.


I will be Waiting For The Great Universe To Once Again Randomly Regenerate My DNA via Mathematical Probability.

Hence I will be alive in some far off galaxy marveling at the wonderful Cosmic Displays.

Displays Bringing forth life from every sector of interstellar space.

End Synopsis



Hank Curci’s Wonderful Children’s Outer Space Coloring Books.

Click On Little Angel:

Angel & flower




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