Friday, August 21, 2015

Chemosynthesis Life Forms Evolving From An Outer Space Primordial Sea..By Hank Curci SCIFI Author.




See Lawrence of Aurora and His Outer Space Belly Dancer Girl Friend, Coos Coos, In Hank Curci’s Outer Space Coloring Books.


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Lawrence of Aurora and Coos Coos


Lawrence of Aurora and Coos Coos  came from a planet whose home star is in the Centauri Globular Star Cluster located 17,000 light years from earth, where one light year is equal to 5.8 trillion miles. 


They evolved within an ecosystem which uses a process called CHEMOSYNTHESIS where carbohydrates are manufactured from carbon dioxide and water using chemical nutrients as the energy source rather than sunlight used for energy as in PHOTOSYNTHESIS. 


The above ecosystem was found at the bottom of their sea near volcanic hydrothermal vents.


These Vents depend on bacteria whose life functions are fueled not by a star like our sun but by simple inorganic chemicals such as hydrogen that seep up from their planet’s crust.  


It took millions of years of pain staking evolution for them to rise through their primordial sea to reach the planet’s surface. 


Somewhere along the evolutional trail, their body chemistry changed from carbon based to silicon based.


They now live off high energy solar particles which spiral inward along geomagnetic field lines.


These solar particles reach the upper atmosphere where nuclear particles collide with the molecules of atmospheric gases. 


On earth these high energy collisions produce the Northern and Southern lights called the Aurora Borealis which is the life blood for Lawrence of Aurora and Coos Coos both loving and gentle life forms.  


Even though Coos Coos gives the appearance of being female,she is actually both sexes and fertilizes her own eggs.


She will give birth to two offspring in her lifetime then her reproductive system will wither away no longer able to have children.


Lawrence of Aurora is the closest thing to a male as we know it on planet earth,however he has no reproductive capability.


No one knows how long Coos Coos and Lawrence of Aurora will live.


They can regenerate their worn out body cells and always look like they are about thirty years old.


At this writing,they are known to be at least 500 Earth years old.






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