Friday, August 21, 2015

Children’s Books: Hank Curci has created these SPACENOODLES characters that come from the Centauri globular star cluster whose scientific name is NGC 5139.

Children’s Books:


These characters live in a region of the cluster where the stars are about 3 to 5 light years apart and have been evolving for millions of years by skip-hopping from a dying star to a new one just starting out.


The SPACENOODLES COLORING BOOK is derived from the successful website called SPACENOODLES.COM which are FREE OUTER SPACE GREETING CARDS and is a great complement to the fun-filled stories and virtual characters found in two HANK CURCI eBooks (CAESAR’S JAGUAR & GREEN STREAK 396) sold on leading world wide eBook stores.




Click On Coloring Book Cover For Children’s Outer Space Adventure..




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