Blog 123ZOOM is Hank Curci's ( Noted SCIFI Author ) Outer Space Blog about the Universe and especially the Beautiful Centauri Globular Star Cluster, NGC513, located 17,000 light years from Earth. Blog 123ZOOM is based on Hank Curci's popular web site called WWW.SPACENOODLES.COM which are free Outer Space greeting cards, SCIFI ebooks and Outer Space Coloring Books at WWW.SPACENOODLES.COM/SHOP.ASP. Hank Curci holds a Masters Degree in Mathematics from Stanford University.
Monday, August 31, 2015
The year is 3000AD… The Human Being Is Extinct…20th Century Earth Is Gone Forever…By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Our Wonderful Gift Of Life..By Hank Curci SCIFI Author
Our Wonderful Gift Of Life…
The Human Being a Biological Masterpiece.
Life A Most Amazing Wonder Of Mother Universe
Extraordinaire .
Send Mother Universe A Thank You Note For This Wonderful Gift Of Life by sending email to yourself which will also go to Outer Space at speed of light..
Find someone to love and bring another “Biological Masterpiece” in to the cosmos so they can have our wonderful gift of life….
Fun Spacenoodles Online Store at:
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Creating Life In Outer Space…Narrated By Little Green Lady…By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author
Click On Little Green Lady.
Little Green Lady From Deep Space Star Cluster, NGC5139.
From Deep Space Star Cluster.
The SPACENOODLES characters come from the Centauri globular star cluster, 17,000 Light Years Away, whose scientific name is NGC 5139.
The characters live in a region of the cluster where the stars are about 3 to 5 light years apart and have been evolving for millions of years by skip-hopping from a dying star to a new one just starting out.
End Transmission
From Deep Space Star Cluster
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
KARATE SWEETHEART Chapter In Hank Curci’s Popular And Hilarious Bible Belt Romantic Comedy.
One night at the Norfolk Roller skating rink Mario and Bahama Mama finished the evening session and were leaving the building to go home.
Waiting for them outside was the neighborhood bully, a six-foot three muscular sailor who decided he was going home with Bahama Mama.
He pushed Mario to the ground and said to Basham Mama “lets get rid of this skinny little runt, what you need is a real man like me”.
Mario quickly got up and charged the big sailor who was dragging Bahama Mama over to his car.
Bahama Mama stepped in front of Mario and gently pushed him aside.
The first thing she did was drive her high heel into his left foot fracturing two of the small bones, the bully screamed in pain and lightened his hold on Bahama Mama.
Next she kicked him in the groin with two alternating karate blows.
As he was going down she did a three sixty judo swing kick to his center jaw flinging his head to one side with blood flying out of his mouth.
When he got up to his feet dazed and staggering, she gave him three swift judo chops to his face breaking his nose causing more blood to gusher.
The big bully went down and did not get up.
Bahama Mama stood over the groaning and bleeding sailor with the defiant look of a victorious warrior and she said to him.
“Don’t even think about getting up you piece of garbage or I will put you in the hospital for a long, long time ”.
By this time a crowd had gathered, mostly people leaving the skating rink, and there was not a sound made by any one.
Mario stood in wide-eyed amazement, not to mention the bleeding sailor who was still moaning and groaning on the ground.
There were a few isolated hand claps from the crowd.
Then more hand claps and finally total eruption of applause and whopping.
The notorious sailor ruffian was led off to the brig by a Navy Shore Patrol squad to face his third Court Marshal and probably dishonorable discharge.
He finally met his match. He was humiliated by a GIRL.
There was complete elation from the crowd, many of whom had suffered harassment from the unpopular bully.
Bahama Mama said “ Moses Cotton, (Her Business Partner and taxi driver),who holds a Karate black belt, taught me ”.
Moses saw a movie one time about the Marshal Arts and got the Japanese Karate master to teach him in exchange for free taxi rides anywhere in the city.
Because Moses is black, they would not recognize his black belt in this country so the Japanese Master registered him in the Marshal Arts institute in Japan.
Moses’ name is inscribed in Japanese which reads: Moses Cotton is a black belt Karate Master with all the rights and privileges awarded to him.
FREE Outer Space Greeting cards at
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
The Outer Space Rosetta Stone: Reading An Outer Space Alien Transmission Wont Be Easy…By Hank Curci,SCIFI Author
The Milky Way Galaxy Is Nine Billion Years Old…
We Should Have Received An Outer Space Message By Now…
Given We Have Only Been Able To Receive Wireless Transmissions For Less Than 100 Years..
Did We Not Recognize It….
End Transmission
Monday, August 24, 2015
Outer Space Distress Call Coming In On Sub Space Frequency From Little Green People…Part II…. By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.
Little Green People.
Outer Space Distress Call.
Part II
End Transmission
Cosmic Violence: When Our Sun Dies A lifeless Planet Earth Will Be Recycled Back In To Interstellar Oblivion…By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author
Cosmic Violence:
Planet Earth Recycled To Interstellar Oblivion.
End Transmission
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Synthetic Genetics: Self Induced Extinction Of Human Race By Year 2150AD…Part II..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author
Self Induced Extinction
Synthetic Genetics:
Self Induced Extinction Of Human Race
We find that by the year 2150 tiny robotic stem cells are shot into the human body to repair failing internal organs like heart, kidneys, liver etc.
Even at this writing, researchers have begun to produce the first robotic nano probes to help the human immune systems repair worn out body parts.
This process is so successful, as Hank Curci projects in his Roman Honeymoon story http://goo.gl/eqFfd0 that all natural human body parts are totally replaced by the year 2200 with synthetic parts.
This will give rise to a generation of non-human androids thus stopping human evolution producing
Further, Hank Curci Sees this synthetic genetics gene splice engineering continuing until the only thing left of the extinct Human Being is an electronic chip the size of your thumbnail being serviced by an attending computer mainframe.
This chip is more powerful than the natural human brain and can generate multiple virtual thought processes at nanosecond speeds from data supplied by traveling nano space ships roaming the vast Milky Way Galaxy.
All life’s experiences are now virtual from transmitted information through time compression worm holes that exceed the speed of light.
Hank Curci’s Outer Space Coloring Books..
Click On Coloring Book Cover..
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Wonderful Romantic Comedy: A TRUE NAVY STORY…Titled “GREEN STREAK 396″ Now On Amazon Kindle..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author
A True Navy Story…
Most Wonderful And Amusing Heart Warming Romantic Comedy…
Published world wide on Barnes and Noble, Amazon Kindle, Google Books, Apple ITunes and many more..
Mario Santini, a naïve young, 18 year old American sailor, from a very staunch Catholic Italian family falls in love with a beautiful, black, 19 year old prostitute.
This is all taking place in the white bible belt, pre-Martin Luther King south ( Norfolk, Virginia ) circa early 1950’s.
This stunning lady of the night tries everything to discourage the relentless and annoying pursuit of a love sick sailor but to no avail, he is not going to go away…
Read More..
Click On Book Cover To Read Synopsis.
End Transmission.
Quasars are among the most dramatic objects anywhere in the cosmos…They Are Beautiful And Dangerous..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author
Quasars are among the most dramatic objects anywhere in the cosmos.
They emit prodigious amounts of energy, all due to a supermassive black hole at the heart of a galaxy.
Visible far across the Universe for billions of light years, quasars can be used to trace both the early life of galaxies, and the properties of the intervening space.
Quasars Synopsis:
Quasars are super-massive black holes in the centers of galaxies.
Regarding spinning black holes, here is a basic overview.
This link may also be of interest
As for the light emitted: “The infall of matter into the supermassive black hole can result in very hot regions where huge energies are released, powering the quasar.
Courtesy Denial Zalec.
Courtesy Wikipedia
End Transmission
Friday, August 21, 2015
Children’s Books: Hank Curci has created these SPACENOODLES characters that come from the Centauri globular star cluster whose scientific name is NGC 5139.
Children’s Books:
These characters live in a region of the cluster where the stars are about 3 to 5 light years apart and have been evolving for millions of years by skip-hopping from a dying star to a new one just starting out.
The SPACENOODLES COLORING BOOK is derived from the successful website called SPACENOODLES.COM which are FREE OUTER SPACE GREETING CARDS and is a great complement to the fun-filled stories and virtual characters found in two HANK CURCI eBooks (CAESAR’S JAGUAR & GREEN STREAK 396) sold on leading world wide eBook stores.
Click On Coloring Book Cover For Children’s Outer Space Adventure..
End Transmission
Terraforming Mars For Human Habitation Requires Green House Atmospheric Pollution..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.
Terraforming Mars For Human Habitation.
Sunset On Mars After Terraforming:
For Planet Earth, these green house gases would be most harmful since it would cause unwanted planetary warming but not to Mars whose frigid temperatures are much too cold for humans to sustain.
Once the temperature stabilizes the Martian atmosphere, water, weather and other planetary systems will be implemented to give Mars an Earth like environment.
It is suggested that by the year 2150AD Mars will have green forest, and a livable atmosphere followed by human habitation.
In addition, Mars has plenty of carbon CO2 ( to make green house gases ) and permafrost H2O which could be converted into methane CH4 and liquid oxygen O2 meaning one could make the fuel on Mars to fly back to Earth so you would not have to bring fuel from Earth to fly back to Earth.
This author, Hank Curci, firmly believes the human being is charging towards self induced extinction via synthetic genetics brought on by the advent of synthetic stem cells.
The human being may well be extinct by 2150AD…hence terraforming Mars for human habitation may not be necessary or the habitations parameters will most certainly be adjusted to what ever life form is running the world/solar system in those days.
End Story Synopsis
Hank Curci’s fun Spacenoodles Online Store:
Send Hank Curci a FREE outer space greeting card at:
Chemosynthesis Life Forms Evolving From An Outer Space Primordial Sea..By Hank Curci SCIFI Author.
See Lawrence of Aurora and His Outer Space Belly Dancer Girl Friend, Coos Coos, In Hank Curci’s Outer Space Coloring Books.
Click On Picture For Intergalactic Online Store.

Lawrence of Aurora and Coos Coos came from a planet whose home star is in the Centauri Globular Star Cluster located 17,000 light years from earth, where one light year is equal to 5.8 trillion miles.
They evolved within an ecosystem which uses a process called CHEMOSYNTHESIS where carbohydrates are manufactured from carbon dioxide and water using chemical nutrients as the energy source rather than sunlight used for energy as in PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
The above ecosystem was found at the bottom of their sea near volcanic hydrothermal vents.
These Vents depend on bacteria whose life functions are fueled not by a star like our sun but by simple inorganic chemicals such as hydrogen that seep up from their planet’s crust.
It took millions of years of pain staking evolution for them to rise through their primordial sea to reach the planet’s surface.
Somewhere along the evolutional trail, their body chemistry changed from carbon based to silicon based.
They now live off high energy solar particles which spiral inward along geomagnetic field lines.
These solar particles reach the upper atmosphere where nuclear particles collide with the molecules of atmospheric gases.
On earth these high energy collisions produce the Northern and Southern lights called the Aurora Borealis which is the life blood for Lawrence of Aurora and Coos Coos both loving and gentle life forms.
Even though Coos Coos gives the appearance of being female,she is actually both sexes and fertilizes her own eggs.
She will give birth to two offspring in her lifetime then her reproductive system will wither away no longer able to have children.
Lawrence of Aurora is the closest thing to a male as we know it on planet earth,however he has no reproductive capability.
No one knows how long Coos Coos and Lawrence of Aurora will live.
They can regenerate their worn out body cells and always look like they are about thirty years old.
At this writing,they are known to be at least 500 Earth years old.
End Transmission
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Long before station wagons dotted the miles between Howard Johnson motor lodges, Wally Byam, ’21, inventor of the Airstream, put Americans on the road to almost anywhere they wanted to go.
Thrilling Adventure To Ancient Rome In A Time Machine.. By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author..
Thrilling Time Machine Adventure..
Caesar’s Jaguar is set in the year 1963 near San Francisco at the University of California at Berkeley.
John Moore, a brilliant young scientist, invents a time machine and brings back to ancient Rome in year 79AD a fire engine red Jaguar sports car with the intentions of racing this beautiful automobile in the famous Circus Maximus Chariot Races
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Exceeding The Speed Of Light Will Generate A Temporal Space/Time Continuum Disaster...Criminals Escaping In To The Future.. By Hank Curci SCIFI Author.
Criminals Escaping In To The Future..
Making A Mess Out Of The Future’s Time Line..
Exceeding the speed of light will bring you to some point in the future when ever we learn how to fly faster than the speed of light which is just a matter of time.
The Star Trek Crew Going On A Six Weeks Training Cruise On The Star ship Enterprise At Warp Three ( three times The speed of light ) Will Come Back To Planet Earth A Thousand Years In To Their Future …This Is Not SCIFI.
The past will be dumping their unwanted stuff in to the future.
It’s like having Jack The Ripper of Victorian London running wild in modern New York City or Genghis Kahn’s Mongolian Hoards sweeping across the US plains of Nebraska.
Some Temporal control will need to be installed supervised by Time Traveling Police.
All intelligent life will be converted to Synthetic Genetics by then…The Human Being Will Be Extinct.
This means we can now give birth to a T-Rex with Einstein’s Brain and Attila The Hun’s disposition and when that gets out of control simply send it to the future and let them deal with it..
FREE Outer Space Greeting Cards
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Friday, August 14, 2015
Hank Curci’s DNA Evolutional Anomaly: Human Beings Should Still Be Swinging From Trees And Not Designing Rocket Ships To The Moon…
Outer Space Comets Bombarding Planet Earth Contains..
Capable Of Building Human DNA..
Did Our Biological DNA Get A Head Start Coming From An Outer Space Life Form?
The Human Being And Especially The Human Brain Has Evolved Too Quickly According To Evolutional Standards Of Planet Earth As We Know Them.
Did Our Biological DNA Get A Head Start Coming From An Outer Space Solar System Whose Star Went Nova Scattering Life’s Organic Material To The Far Reaches Of Interstellar Space?
Did some Outer Space DNA randomly fall upon the bipedal ape creature of the day that dramatically changed his normal evolutionary speed and quickly evolve the human being with his remarkable brain?
The chimpanzee, whose DNA is 98% the same as a human being, is the closest life form to a human being and they have nowhere near our physical and mental capabilities…the 2% DNA difference gave us Mozart, Einstein and Isaac Newton, to mention a few.
Hence The Human Being is either a genetic mistake or an implant from outer space.
Click On Little Green Lady To See Her Outer Space Family Created By Hank Curci:

Little Green Lady From Deep Space Star Cluster.
Hank Curci’s Free Outer Space Greeting Cards:
Send Hank Curci A Comment..
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Found Outer Space Transmission Of Earth’s Whale Songs Emenating From Star Cluster 17,000 Light Years Away... By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.
Outer Space Transmission..
Signal Believed To Have Been Sent From Star Cluster Centauri NGC5139..
Story Synopsis
Outer Space Whale Songs..
Further, WHALE SONG signal Believed to Have Been Sent By Spacenoodles Outer Space Character Named Silicon Sally.
Sally lives in the beautiful Centauri Globular Star Cluster 17,000 Light Years away and she can be found in Hank Curci’s Outer Space Greeting Cards at:
Sally’s Electronic language has evolved along the same evolutionary path as Earthly whales and dolphins.
These Planet Earth marine mammals use the sonic properties of water to carry their language of squeaks and whistles.
Silicon Sally uses surrounding magnetic energy field to electronically transmit her telepathic pulses she uses to communicate with her species.
Click On Picture To See Silicon Sally and all of Hank Curci’s Spacenoodles Characters that he has evolved in the beautiful Centauri Globular Star Cluster NGC5139.
End Story Synopsis
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Monday, August 10, 2015
Hank Curci predicts by 2200AD computers will have cyber electronic networks evolving human awareness.. By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author
Computer Networks capable of generating intellectual bio-synthetic DNA awareness same as humans..
Some Computers will be friendly…and some will not…
An Orbit City Directive..
In http://www.spacenoodles.com free outer space greeting cards by noted SCIFI author Hank Curci, Hank examines living with computers in the future of Planet Earth.
It took about three million years for our human brain to evolve where it is.
An amazing organic computer that can speak, think, love, write beautiful music, design airplanes, tall skyscrapers, build and organize wondrous spectacular cities with viable economies….the list goes on and on…what a marvelous evolutional invention…the human brain.
By the year 2200AD, Hank Curci speculates, computers will be so complicated, so fast, so multitasking holding billions of pieces of information that this cyber electronic network will begin to resemble the human brain capable of generating synthetic DNA.
These Computers will eventually pop into the realm of awareness and begin to have a mind of their own following the same evolutional path that the human brain did over a three million year period of time….except this computer evolution will only take 200 years and not three million years to evolve an intellect.
When this happens, computers could be friendly but they could also be unfriendly, militant and war like.
Hank shows the evolution of computers becoming intelligent and militant leading to a horrible computer mainframe vs. people war ravaging all of beautiful Planet Earth and reducing great cities to rubble.
The human being has become extinct from synthetic genetics rendering self induced extinction and have become non emotional life forms, at least non emotional by human standards.
The synthetic life forms build a spectacular city in orbit about Planet Earth called Orbit City and finally escape the horrors of war and the war mongering militant mainframes and live in peace for almost 700 years till the militant mainframes find them again.
Click On eBook Cover Below To See Hank Curci’s Thrilling Time Machine Travels..
Popular Future Adventures To Year 3000AD.
See more of Hank Curci’s exciting short stories and Spacenoodles Outer Space Coloring Books at:
End Transmission
From Orbit City Directive..
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