Thursday, March 29, 2018

TIME MACHINE MALFUNCTION: …Sent 3000 Years In To Their Future… By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author

March 29, 2018

In Hank Curci’s Thrilling short story… 


A 23 year old Ancient Roman Honeymooning Couple From Year 79AD Is sent to the year 3000AD by time machine malfunction, 3000 Years In To Their Future… 

By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author….

These are the first human beings that has ever been seen in over 700 years by any living life form.


The young Roman couple teaches them to be human and they design an electronic chip which puts back the individual identity, the WHO AM I is now part of their makeup and they go on to become a great intellectual and artistic society with music, art, and literary contributions.

...and.. They Now Know How To Love

End Story Synopsis


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End Transmission 

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