Wednesday, October 18, 2017

AN ECOLOGY FOR LIFE: Beautiful Planet Earth, Born Of Unimaginable Cosmic Violence, Gave Us Life.. By Hank Curci..SCIFI Author

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The wondrous gift of  life..

A Cosmic Celebration 


Beautiful Planet Earth Born Of Cosmic Violence



An ecology for Life.

It is some four billion years ago.

In WWW.SPACENOODLES.COM free outer space greeting cards by popular SCIFI author Hank Curci, we see a ball of space dust randomly floating through interstellar space.

The dust cloud, with the help of gravity, is beginning to form a center nucleus of rocks, broken asteroids, and other floating debris to eventually form our Star the Sun.

The sun fires of its nuclear furnace and, voila, we have a life-giving solar system.

On Earth, simple life forms began to appear like blue-green algae.

Then more complex plants begun to evolve.

Finally, after some four billion years of evolution, we find humans, tigers, whales, and a total of nearly half million species of life on planet Earth and all of this came from a pile of space dust, junk and debris.

Most impressive engineering performance, an ecology for Life.

We have the wondrous gift of life and got to see the great cosmic wonders proliferating interstellar space.



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