Blog 123ZOOM is Hank Curci's ( Noted SCIFI Author ) Outer Space Blog about the Universe and especially the Beautiful Centauri Globular Star Cluster, NGC513, located 17,000 light years from Earth. Blog 123ZOOM is based on Hank Curci's popular web site called WWW.SPACENOODLES.COM which are free Outer Space greeting cards, SCIFI ebooks and Outer Space Coloring Books at WWW.SPACENOODLES.COM/SHOP.ASP. Hank Curci holds a Masters Degree in Mathematics from Stanford University.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Hank Curci Writes “Money Wont Make You Happy, But If You Insist On Being Miserable, You May As Well Be Rich”…
Click On Picture..
Hank Curci’s Outer Space Coloring Books..
Click On Sunny Rosetta’s Picture..
See Sunny Rosetta’s Deep Space Star Cluster Family.
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Sunday, October 22, 2017
Nothing is forever, Planet Earth recycled back in to interstellar oblivion.. By Hank Curci, Senior Aerospace Engineer..
Nothing Is Forever
Interstellar Oblivion..
Our mighty star, the sun, will die some day and beautiful little blue-green Planet Earth will die along with it.
Earth will become a burned out cinder wandering off to be recycled back in to interstellar oblivion, there will be no more songs coming from our garden home Planet Earth.
But, along the way to infinity, the ageless Universe gave us this magical gift of life, a Universe asking nothing in return except to enjoy the wonders…
Featured Hank Curci Ebook Thriller This Holiday Season..
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Scientists in the nascent field of synthetic biology are exploring ways To coax bacteria that live in our bodies to alert us to illness — and even fight it.
Synthetic Biology
What if you could tell you were getting sick because your droppings suddenly smelled like bananas?
What if your skin instantly changed color if it touched something toxic?
Or if certain bacteria dwelling on your skin and in your gut pumped out medicine to help control medical conditions ranging from diabetes to depression?
Such medical advances sound fanciful, but they may soon be in the offing.
Bringing Us Better Health.
Scientists working in the nascent field of synthetic biology are exploring ways to coax the tens of trillions of bacteria that live on and in the typical human body..to bring us better health.
These bacteria are known collectively as the human microbiota
Read More..
Click On Little Green Lady From Outer Space..
Hank Curci’s Thrilling SCIFI eBooks At Barnes and Noble..
Click On Book Cover For Exciting Synopsis.
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THE ENDLESS HEAVENS: Your DNA Came From Intergalactic Space..By Hank Curci SCIFI Author
Intergalactic Space
You Once Lived Inside A Mighty Star..
The Building Blocks Of Life Came From Outer Space…
You Are Made Of Star Stuff..
How Cool Is That!!
Hank Curci, who holds a Master’s Degree in Mathematics from Stanford University, Explains Giant Stars That Go Super Nova Can Make Gold.
In his fun outer space greeting cards WWW.SPACENOODLES.COM Hank Curci shows where all elements including the gold in your teeth and the building blocks of life in your body, comes from Outer Space Giant Stars Going Super Nova.
Giant Stars squeezing down hydrogen atoms in to all the Elements we see in the Chemical Periodic Table i.e. Oxygen, Gold, Silicon, Uranium….
Our powerful Sun only has enough heat and pressure to make helium which is two hydrogen atoms squeezed together.
One can only imagine what incredible heat and pressure it must take to squeeze together 79 hydrogens to make gold or 238 hydrogens to make uranium.
The gold in your teeth or class ring as well as the chemistry in your body’s cellular building blocks did not come from Mother Earth but came from some giant stars going Super Nova somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy billions of years ago.
Outer Space Coloring Books
Click On Little Green Lady.
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Friday, October 20, 2017
INTERGALACTIC SPACE DUCKS: A Star Cluster Romance.. Fly Away To The Stars..Created By Hank Curci SCIFI Author..
A Star Cluster Romance..
Created By Hank Curci SCIFI Author..
Click On Picture Of Outer Space Ducks To Send Sweetheart Greeting Card..
Outer Space Online Store..
Wonderful Gifts All Under $5.00
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Wednesday, October 18, 2017
THRILLING TIME MACHINE ADVENTURE: Traveling Through A Subspace Frequency Warp Field To The Future Of Planet Earth Circa 3000AD..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.
Futuristic Space/Time Continuum Adventure..
Circa 3000AD
John Moore is persuaded into taking the newly married, 23 year old, 79 AD, Ancient Roman couple back to modern day San Francisco, 1963, in the time machine, for the mother of all honeymoons with intent of sending them back to 79 AD Rome in two weeks.
The time machine malfunctions and sends the young, 23 year old Roman newly weds, Glacus and Ruth, into the year 3000 AD.
Roman Honeymoon is then about what happens to Glacus and Ruth in the year 3000 AD, three thousand years in to their future.
This exciting Ebook Is Found On Barnes and Noble:
Click On Picture For Thrilling Subspace Frequency Adventure To The Future, Circa 3000AD.
AN ECOLOGY FOR LIFE: Beautiful Planet Earth, Born Of Unimaginable Cosmic Violence, Gave Us Life.. By Hank Curci..SCIFI Author
Click On Picture For Intergalactic Online Store.
The wondrous gift of life..
A Cosmic Celebration
Beautiful Planet Earth Born Of Cosmic Violence
An ecology for Life.
It is some four billion years ago.
In WWW.SPACENOODLES.COM free outer space greeting cards by popular SCIFI author Hank Curci, we see a ball of space dust randomly floating through interstellar space.
The dust cloud, with the help of gravity, is beginning to form a center nucleus of rocks, broken asteroids, and other floating debris to eventually form our Star the Sun.
The sun fires of its nuclear furnace and, voila, we have a life-giving solar system.
On Earth, simple life forms began to appear like blue-green algae.
Then more complex plants begun to evolve.
Finally, after some four billion years of evolution, we find humans, tigers, whales, and a total of nearly half million species of life on planet Earth and all of this came from a pile of space dust, junk and debris.
Most impressive engineering performance, an ecology for Life.
We have the wondrous gift of life and got to see the great cosmic wonders proliferating interstellar space.
Click On Little Green Lady For Popular Outer Space Coloring Book..
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
NASA SPACE SHIP TO MARS: How to Get To Mars On NASA Space Ship.. By Hank Aerospace Engineer/Pilot
How To Get To Mars
On NASA Space Ship
Hank Curci’s Popular SCIFI Library On Barnes and Noble.
Click On Hank Curci’s Little Green Lady From Outer Space:
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Tuesday, October 3, 2017
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