Thursday, May 12, 2016

A Kindle eBook Time Machine Thriller: A Space/Time Continuum Paradox To Ancient Rome.. By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author


A Kindle eBook Time Machine Thriller: 


A Space/Time Continuum Paradox…

Reading A Book By Someone Who Never Existed


Story Synopsis

Disturbing The Time Line


The Place is Ancient Rome.

The Time is 79AD Location is Circus Maximus Chariot Races…

Action Is Racing A Modern Day Jaguar Sports Car in the Ancient Roman Chariot Races…

Results: Disturbing the time line with Twentieth Century Influence.

A Most Dangerous Situation...

You May Not Have Gotten Born…

Click On Book Cover For Exciting Synopsis From Kindle..

Hi res Jag Lights

End Synopsis


End Transmission

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