Sunday, March 20, 2016

Futuristic…Circa 3000AD: All Life Is Now Synthetic Living In Orbit City.. By Hank Curci, Senior Aerospace Engineer..


Story Synopsis..

The Year is now 3000AD…

All Life Is Synthetic And Living In Orbit City...

All life was now synthetic and reduced to a very powerful electro-magnetic chip the size of a human thumbnail.

The chip was many times more powerful than a human brain.

Life was now a virtual theatre of endless make believe of computer generated  experiences.

For example, a two weeks trip to Hawaii took five micro seconds but was as vivid as if the chip had gone to Hawaii for two weeks.

The Synthetic life forms lived in peace in their beautiful Orbit City for 500 years till the militant mainframe computers found them and once again proceeded to systematically destroy Orbit City.


Read More, Click On Book Cover ..

Roman Honeymoon new cover


End Transmission.

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