Thursday, February 25, 2016

A 34,000 Year Cosmic Interplanetary Conversation…By Hank Curci..SCIFI Author..



Cosmic Interplanetary Conversation..




Little Green Lady From Centauri Star Cluster..




We look for life in the Universe and wonder if there is another life looking back at us from some planet somewhere in the great Universe.


We theorize Planet Earth can’t be the only planet in the whole infinite cosmos where life has evolved.


Hank Curci Has Evolved Life In the great Centauri Globular Star Cluster, NGC5139.


This beautiful Star Cluster is  17,000 light years away.


If they sent us a message it would take 17,000 years to get here our reply would take 17,000 years for them to receive it, hence a 34,000 year conversation.






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