Sunday, January 17, 2016

Traveling Through A Thrilling Subspace Frequency Warp Field To The Future Of Planet Earth Circa 3000AD..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.

A Hank Curci Time Machine Thriller... 


Found On Barnes and Noble:


Subspace Frequency Warp Field..






Futuristic Space/Time Continuum Adventure..


Circa 3000AD


John Moore is persuaded into taking the newly married, 23 year old, 79 AD, Ancient Roman couple back to modern day San Francisco, 1963, in the time machine, for the mother of all honeymoons with intent of sending them back to 79 AD Rome in two weeks.


The time machine malfunctions and sends the young, 23 year old Roman newly weds, Glacus and Ruth, into the year 3000 AD.  


Roman Honeymoon is then about what happens to Glacus and Ruth in the year 3000 AD, three thousand years in to their future.




Found On Barnes and Noble:

Click On Picture For Thrilling Subspace Frequency Adventure To The Future, Circa 3000AD.

Roman Honeymoon new cover





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