Exploding Super Nova Star Sending It’s Orbiting Interplanetary Life To Oblivion..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.
Interplanetary Cosmic Violence.
An entire planet and it’s inhabitants have been destroyed from Home Star Super Nova Explosion.
Their biological DNA flung far in to the infinite cosmos, is winging across endless space for all eternity.
Seventeen Thousand years ago we find the weaker of two binary stars has gone nova in the Centauri Globular Star Cluster NGC5139 scattering planetary debris in all directions of the Delta Prime sector of this beautiful star cluster of 3,000,000 stars.
One of the four planets in this binary system is the Little Green Planet home to a race of people who are intelligent plant life and their affectionate name is Little Green People ( LGP).

Their planet destroyed, they are no more and a whole race of people has just been wiped out, rendered to extinction by cosmic violence…but wait..maybe not.
Their DNA, winging across the void of interstellar space for thousands of years, has now randomly landed on, New Terra, a sister planet some six light years away.
Some of the debris from this exploding binary star has gone in to orbit about planet New Terra forming a moon.
This newly formed moon is helping to bring up necessary nutrients, with it’s strong gravitational attraction, from deep in New Terra’s planetary crust.
The sister planet, New Terra, is just beginning life and only has simple blue green algae evolving.
But the blue green algae is of a genus that it is compatible with Little Green People’s DNA and now they have begun to regenerate and in a few million years will have evolved back to about 80% of their original physiological structure.
Their evolution will continue on a new world.
Planet Earth Perish In Cosmic Violence.
We on Planet Earth have no such fail safe planetary system to go to.
At the end of our star’s life, in about 4.5 billion years, the Earth and all of the planets in our solar system will perish in a fire ball of unimaginable cosmic violence.
The Sun’s final days of life will result in a dimly lighted small burned out cinder called a white dwarf that will aimlessly drift out in to the void of interstellar space no longer the mighty star that gave us life.
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End Transmission
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