Saturday, July 23, 2016

Kindle Time Machine Ebook Thriller: New Kindle Seventy Thousand Word Young Adult SCIFI Intergalactic Space/Time Continuum Adventures By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author...





A Kindle eBook Time Machine Thriller: 


A Space/Time Continuum Paradox…

Reading A Book By Someone Who Never Existed


Story Synopsis

Disturbing The Time Line


The Place is Ancient Rome.

The Time is 79AD Location is Circus Maximus Chariot Races…

Action Is Racing A Modern Day Jaguar Sports Car in the Ancient Roman Chariot Races…

Results: Disturbing the time line with Twentieth Century Influence.

A Most Dangerous Situation...

You May Not Have Gotten Born…

Click On Book Cover For Exciting Synopsis From Kindle..

Hi res Jag Lights

End Synopsis


End Transmission

Friday, July 8, 2016

We belong To The Earth, The Earth Does Not Belong To Us.. By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author..



 Hank Curci has just finished a wonderful time machine 70,000 word young adult novel starting in San Francisco then to ancient Rome back to San Francisco and then to the future 3,000 years to the year 3000AD.

The following Ebook is on

introductory offer for $1.99 but this wont last much longer so  now is the time to buy.

Click on book cover for exciting synopsis ..

New Caesars Cover [568605]

End Transmission

Friday, July 1, 2016

Found Outer Space Transmission Of Earth’s Whale Songs. By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author


Outer Space Transmission Of Earth’s Whale Songs.


Signal Believed To Have Been Sent From Star Cluster Centauri NGC5139..17,000 light years away.


Story Synopsis

Outer Space Whale Songs..

Further, WHALE SONG signal Believed to Have Been Sent By Spacenoodles Outer Space Character Named Silicon Sally.

Sally lives in the beautiful Centauri Globular Star Cluster 17,000 Light Years away and she can be found in Hank Curci’s Outer Space Greeting Cards at:

Sally’s Electronic language has evolved along the same evolutionary path as Earthly whales and dolphins.

These Planet Earth marine mammals use the sonic properties of water to carry their language of squeaks and whistles.

Silicon Sally uses surrounding magnetic energy field to electronically transmit her telepathic pulses she uses to communicate with her species.

Silicon Sally‘s electronically transmitted telepathic pulses are on the same frequency as the Earthly Whales squeaks and whistles.

NOTE: The Outer Space Whale Songs are coming from a star cluster that is 17,000 light years away, hence it takes 17,000 years for the signals to reach Planet Earth.

Click On Picture To See Silicon Sally and all of Hank Curci’s Spacenoodles Characters that he has evolved.

Hank Curci signs his Outer Space Greeting Cards Enrico his name in Italian.. his surname is Henry and Enrico is Henry in Italian.. Hank Curci’s family is from Northern Italy.

